Facelift in Syracuse & Rochester, NY

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Since birth, the body ages with the passage of each year. At some point, the outside appearance of the body – especially the face and neck – starts to show signs of aging that are socially and psychologically unattractive. While the brain and mind can stay young and active with mental exercise and fulfilling life’s work, aging features of the face begin to diverge from one’s inner self.

Examples of these changes include (from the top of the face to the neck): saggy or tired appearance of the eyelids; baggy or hollowed appearing lower eyes; deepening creases around the mouth, or hollowed cheeks; jowls and loss of defined jawline; and heavy neck, or hanging, loose skin with vertical banding on thin neck. Genetics play a major role in how and when the body progresses through this change, but accumulation of outside factors such as sun exposure, smoking, stress, or weight loss also contribute to these aging signs of the face and neck.


There are specific features that characterize aging face and neck. Foremost, it is the change in skin texture and appearance. Environmental factors accumulated over lifetime, such as sun exposure and smoking, and genetics result in changes in skin with loss of elasticity and formation of permanently etched expression wrinkles.

Changes seen in aging skin are more than just the skin surface. Just underneath the outer layer of the skin lies the inner layer of the skin – the layers of supportive fiber network consisting of collagen and elastin. This fiber network allows the skin to stretch and recoil with each movement of the muscle every moment in life. With biological aging and accumulation of damage from the environment, the skin begins to wear out. The inner layer of the skin begins to thin as collagen and elastin begin to disappear. Since the skin no longer stretches and recoils as effectively, some parts of the skin will begin to accumulate wrinkles over time. Other parts of skin where gravity takes hold, will begin to sag and become more lax.


Located between the skin and bone of the face, are the soft tissues of the face which consist of muscle and a series fat compartments. These fat compartments are located in specific areas of the face – especially overlying prominent bony areas, like the outer rim of the eye/cheek junction (malar prominence). Over time, fat compartments of the face begin to lose volume and deflate, resulting in a hollowed appearance. This is especially noticeable in areas like the cheeks, inner corner of the eyes (tear trough), and temple areas. The loss of facial volume, especially at the bony prominence, leads to a hollowed aging facial appearance and conveys loss of vitality.


Underneath the skin, other structures of the face are also changing with the aging process. Skin and the soft tissue of the face (fat pad and muscles overlying the bone) are attached and anchored to the bone by a series of retaining ligaments. The retaining ligaments of the face are like the supporting cables of a suspension bridge. With the aging process, these retaining ligaments begin to weaken, resulting in sagging of the soft tissue of the face as gravity pulls them down. Because these retaining ligaments are located at specific areas of the face (over the bony prominence of the cheek “zygomatic ligament” or jawline “mandibular ligament”; and along the side of the face “masseteric cutaneous and parotid cutaneous ligaments”), weakening of these supporting cables results in characteristic signs of aging face (jowls, and loss of jawline).


Patients often ask what is the correct age for facelift. Patients who undergo facelift for men and women range between the ages of 40-70, with the average age around early to mid-50. More important than the chronological age is the “biological age” determined by the patient’s hereditary features combined with lifestyle choices accumulated over time.

What Are the Benefits of a Facelift?

A customized facelift treatment done at Natural Face Clinic in East Syracuse, NY is an excellent surgical solution for people who experience fine lines and wrinkles and are wanting to enhance the appearance of their skin. Cosmetic and functional advantages of this procedure offered by Dr. Kim include:

  • Minimizing the appearance of furrows and creases around your eyes and mouth
  • Results are long-lasting
  • Leaves a minimal amount of scarring that can be conveniently concealed
  • Beneficial for women and men alike
  • Reducing perceptible signs of aging
  • Addressing loose, hanging skin
  • Replenishing lost volume throughout the mid-face and beneath the eyes
  • Enhancing comprehensive facial shape
  • Lifting sagging cheeks and double chins
  • Efficient at diminishing the appearance of moderate to severe furrows and creases


On the day of consultation, we will first listen to the patients to hear what their concerns and goals are. Next, careful examination will demonstrate each the unique features that help determine what procedure(s) will best achieve their goals while reducing the risks of adverse outcomes.

We may bring to attention some other additional procedures that the patient may consider at the same time for the face/neck lift. Most common procedures to combine with face lift include blepharoplasty (“eye lift” or eyelid procedure), midface volume restoration (example, fat graft transfer), facial implants, laser resurfacing of the skin around the eyes and mouth, and/or SMAS transfer to deep crease lines/lips. The advantage of combining these adjuvant procedures with face/neck lift are: 1. Cost efficient for the patient 2. Same time commitment for recovery

Finally, prior to scheduling the procedure, our office will communicate with the patient's primary care provider for preoperative medical clearance. Depending on the patient's age, medical background, and the types of planned procedure, the patient may need to undergo one or more tests to ensure we can proceed safely.


There is an on-call physician during off-hours, and surgical patients will also have access to the surgeon’s personal cell phone for any specific surgery-related questions/concerns.

Week 1: Patients should expect some swelling and bruising. Patients do not typically complain of pain, but they should expect some numbness which will resolve over time. One should plan for a restful, relaxing week ideally indoors. Sutures will be removed on day 7 after the surgery.

Week 2: Some patients are almost back to normal by week 2, but most will take another week to fully get back to their normal selves. During week 2, each day rapid improvement (less swelling) will be noted. Some people may be able to return to work sooner than 2 weeks after the surgery. By the end of week 2, patients should expect recovery back to normal and return to work.

1-2 Month visit: We return to the photo room and take a full set of photos. Next, we will upload these photos and compare them next to the pre-op photos. This is an exciting day for everyone, and reminds us at our practice why we love what we do.

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My only regret was that I didn't do it sooner - I had a natural facelift and blepharoplasty about 3 months ago. My only regret was that I didn't do it sooner. I just wanted to look as young as I feel. Mission accomplished! The whole experience was totally positive. Dr. Kim is a wonderful surgeon and a very lovely person. I felt total confidence in his care. His staff is very friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful.

N. RealSelf

I hope my healed face looks good - Dr. Kim looked so young to be a surgeon that I was apprehensive at first. I had surgeries before and one surgeon had interns working with him, but not Dr. Kim. The other surgeon I used ended up causing damage to various areas of my legs and abdominals due to the intern being untrained and not knowing what the hell she was doing. I still have the scars on my legs and abs. Dr. Kim did the surgery himself and that is what I liked about him (as I paid for an experienced surgeon not an intern). He is double board certified. Apparently he went to very good schools and has had a great education. Dr. Kim is very soft spoken, and very handsome. He did a great job although I’m only two days out from a facelift, upper eye lid reduction, lips filled, under eye laser treatment. I’ve had at least five surgeons work on me and out of all the surgeons Dr. Kim is one of my favorites as he is very professional and I had a great experience! Thank you Dr. Kim! I hope my healed face looks good once it heals fully from bruising and swelling. I’m confident it will. I fully recommend Dr. Kim!

M. RealSelf

Dr. Kim is the only plastic surgeon that I’m completely comfortable with and trust. He performed a facelift that was so natural that people couldn’t believe I had the surgery.

P.B. Google

Dr. Kim is the Best! - I have to start out by saying that Dr. Kim's staff is nothing short of AMAZING! They ABSOLUTELY go above and beyond for their patients; they are so caring. And well as far as Dr. Kim, he is SO kind and TRULY at the top of his field in Facial Plastic Surgery! I've had two surgeries with him. The 1st was a body fat transfer to my cheeks a year ago June, after having weight loss surgery several years ago I felt I needed some volume in my cheeks, I was very happy with the way that turned out. a few months ago, I opted to go further and had him do a Lower Facelift and he also did a Neck lift on me as well and as you can see in the pictures (if you go on his website) all I can say is JUST WOW!!! As far pain afterward, none, numbness takes a while to subside, and the results are just progressive... I am SO very happy with the results thus far and as the days go on, things become that much more defined. Please make sure that you follow step by step what Dr. Kim and his nurses tell you after surgery and I know that you also will be ecstatic with your results too! EXCELLENT EXPERIENCE all the way around!

T. RealSelf

At 63 years old having a facelift and necklift surgery was a huge decision to make. Dr. Kim Sang was very professional and explained everything in detail. And always with a smile. I felt very comfortable there. Also his office staff was friendly and attentive. The best.

M.F. Google


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About Us
How much does a facelift cost?

The total cost of your facelift will depend on the technique used. During your consultation, Dr. Kim will develop your custom treatment plan based on your needs and goals. When this is complete, he can go over cost estimates. To avoid unnatural-looking results, it's better to concentrate on finding an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Kim, instead of the cheapest price. Natural Face Clinic can give you information on low-interest medical financing that will make your facelift easier to afford.

Which technique is best for me?

The best surgical facelift technique for you will depend on your concerns, goals, degree of skin laxity, which areas of your face are being addressed, and more. To produce the results you want, Dr. Kim will explain the different surgical techniques during your consultation. He can then help you choose which technique is best, including if a mini facelift or a traditional facelift would better suit your needs.

Should I get a surgical or nonsurgical facelift?

Although there are many great nonsurgical skin tightening treatments, these can only produce small improvements. For moderate to severe skin sagging, a surgical facelift is the best choice to significantly improve your appearance. During your consultation, Dr. Kim will discuss your choices, including nonsurgical procedures, to help you choose which is best for your needs and goals.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.